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Showing posts from May, 2010

Author of AZ's SB 1070 speaks

Most troubling is San Francisco's reaction after some of the horrendous crimes committed there by illegals, especially the Bologna murders in 2008.Now they are planning on giving illegals the right to vote in school board elections!

DAILY KOZ poll puts tea partiers at the top of the list of likely bombers/terrorists.

Why did the LEFT want the bomber to be a tea partier or a conservative? An actual terrorist came in 3rd on THE DAILY KOZ'S poll. I am not surprised that they think conservatives are more of a threat to the country than Al Queda. These leftists are seriously disturbed....been watching too much Keith Olberman and Jon Stewart. LOL........surprised they didn't have FOX NEWS as an option to blame.

The Great Immigration Debate

Since the passage of the controversial Arizona immigration law I have been engaged in a lively and thought provoking debate with many over this issue. Inevitably it leads to discussion of government's role, socialism and our duty as Christians. one priest friend of mine provided this link on the Church's teachings on socialism. the problem, in my opinion, is that socialism is coerced by the STATE. It has failed every time it has been tried (USSR, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, CUBA, VENEZUELA). The only possible exception that I can think of where it "succeeded" was NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMANY and we all know what happened there. Economic socialism is inevitably followed by social engineering by an elite class who want to dictate what is best for us. It removes freedom by its very nature. Free expression and freedom are inevitable casualties of socialism. The central planners brook no opposition.